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Mayweather rematch claims Manny Pacquiao

It took some time for Floyd Mayweather Jr. to finally come out with a response to claims made by Manny Pacquiao in a recent Facebook live chat that the camps of both boxers are reportedly in talks of a possible rematch.
ESPN's Stephen A. Smith took the liberty of finding out the real score between the two. Smith, who has been known to have close ties with the undefeated boxer, sent a text message to try and confirm the statements made by Pacquiao in the video.
As expected, the flamboyant one denied any knowledge of ongoing negotiations for a possible rematch.
"It's totally false. I'm not fighting anymore" was the reported reply of Mayweather, according to Smith.
These new round of rumors tied up with a possible Mayweather–Pacquiao rematch is the second one to come out. The first one was allegedly reported inaccurately in what Top Rank Bob Arum said was a result of language barriers.

Mayweather is standing pat on his decision of retiring from boxing, something that was reiterated just recently as well by Mayweather Promotions CEO Leonard Ellerbe.
Mayweather last fought on Sept. 12 against Andre Berto, whom he expectedly defeated via unanimous decision to equal Rocky Marciano's 49–0 record.
To date, many opt not to believe that Mayweather is done, saying that his last opponent is not a convincing way to end his boxing career. Many still believe he will come back at some point and go for 50–0.
If true, could his comeback opponent be Pacquiao?
Well, right now, Pacquiao has announced that his April 9 fight will also be his last. Pacquiao has opted to retire to focus on his political aspirations where he is set to run for a Senate seat in next year's national elections in the Philippines.

To date, there is no word yet on whom he will fight. Amir Khan, Terence Crawford, and Timothy Bradley Jr. are reportedly on the shortlist and his opponent will officially be announced either by November or December of this year.


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